Ego-State-Coaching opens up highly effective self-help for you
Ego states stand for ego parts or inner parts that become active contextually. A courageous person suddenly experiences himself as fearful. A planning person suddenly feels disoriented. Ego states can also be active over a long period of time without the affected person noticing that they are only mistaking themselves for a certain version of themselves. Permanently.
You have had the experience that you do not achieve professional goals as you would like to?
Does this make you dissatisfied? Are you going to court with yourself because of it?
Then Ego-State-Coaching might be a good way: because within a short time you will find ways to use all your inner parts (Ego States).
Ego-State-Coaching: Which part of your personality dominates in which context?
In my coaching, you will learn the art of negotiating with yourself.
You will be surprised how you can suddenly deal with fears, blockages and obstacles in a completely different way.

Johannes Faupel
Already in your first ego-state coaching session, you will see how helpful inner dialogues can be
In egostate coaching, the various ego parts (or ego states) are addressed and integrated individually. This creates a communication that leads out of “I feel bad” or “I am afraid of …”
This is the goal in ego-state coaching:
Where previously seemingly irreconcilable and often relentless performance drivers, perfectionists and inner critics made life difficult, a thriving inner dialogue for stable well-being gradually develops.
Clients’ progress is evident within the first few sessions because of the simple structure of the ego-state coaching approach. A naturalistic, hypnosystemic concept based on well-researched areas of brain and behavioral science.
Ego-State-Coaching in Frankfurt: vom Autor des Burnout-Prävention-Buches „Burnout-Prävention und -Intervention, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2020